Friday 11 March 2011

More Flowers

A second fine day saw us once again striking out for Shipley Hill, but this time tackling it from a different angle.  Heading out towards Mapperley Village, we enjoyed the scenery for the first time this year.  Among the grass at the side of the footpaths, the Colts Foot (Tussilago farfara) flowers are beginning to show their colour.
The scientific name Tussilago may seem a little familiar.  This is because of a cough medicine called Robitussin which takes it's name (at least in part) from this plant.  Tussilago actually means 'cough supressant'.  The plant has been used for various ailments including skin conditions and lung problems.  The flowers were dried and smoked in tobacco pipes at one time.
The Yew trees (Taxus baccata) are also in flower right now.  The small flowers are not easily recognisable and certainly not as 'flower-like' as the Colts Foot.
It was a longer walk today and by the time we had walked through the village, crossed the dam of Mapperley reservoir, climbed Shipley Hill and circled the top taking in both Nottingham and Derby Lodges, we were ready for home and our elevenses.  Malcolm seemed ready for home in this picture.

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