Tuesday 22 March 2011


The "close approach" of the Moon last Saturday was well documented.  The Moon is, on average about 239,000 miles away from us, but on Saturday, it reached what is called 'Apogee', or it's closest approach to Earth and came to within about 225,000 miles.  This, of course was supposed to make the Moon look bigger to observers on Earth.  In effect, the difference is so small, that you would have to be very lucky - or at least have a strong imagination - to notice the change at all.
I did, have a look as the Moon rose in the east, but as it shone through the Hawthorn tree at the front of our house, it didn't appear to be any different to me.  The slight mist on Saturday evening made photographing it rather tricky, but I did get a couple of 'atmospheric' shots (a euphemism for 'not very clear').
Hope this works, but here is an animation of the Moon as it waxes and wanes.  This also shows nicely, the 'wobble' as the Moon rotates.

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