Wednesday 30 March 2011

Carlton Hill 2

More from the top of Carlton Hill today.  The views from the hill are spectacular in all directions.  There are many monuments and buildings around too.  From one of these - the Dugald Stewart Monument - the views across the city are particularly good.
Dugald Stewart was a Professor at the University of Edinburgh from 1786 to 1828.  The monument was commissioned by the Royal Society of Edinburgh and built in 1831, modeled on the 'Choragic Monument of Lysicrates', a Greek monument near the Acropolis in Athens.
Close by, another monumental building is set against the city backdrop.  This one is dedicated to Horatio, Lord Nelson.  It is built in the style of a telescope and replaced a signal mast which was used to send messages to ships in the Forth.  The commemorative plaque on the building reads...
"To the memory of Vice-Admiral Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, and of the great victory of Trafalgar, too dearly purchased with his blood, the grateful citizens of Edinburgh have erected this monument: not to express their unavailing sorrow for his death; nor yet to celebrate this matchless glories of his life; but, by his noble example, to teach their sons to emulate what they admire, and, like him, when duty requires it, to die for their country".
The largest group of buildings on Carlton Hill, make up the City Observatory.  Construction began in the late 18th century and it was handed over to the Edinburgh Astronomical Institution in 1812.  The main use of the observatory was for accurate time measurement through the observance of stars crossing the meridian.
More views from the hill are to enjoyed.  This one looking along the full length of Princes Street.  The scene is dominated by the clock tower of the Luxury, Rocco Forte collection's Balmoral Hotel.  NOT where we stayed.... far too 'down-market'....!!!!

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