Thursday 17 March 2011


Misty again this morning as we set out for our walk.  But, by the time we got home again, the clouds were breaking and the sun was trying to burst through.
The hedgerows are also beginning to burst, with blossom.  First on the list of spring flowers are the Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa).  Also known as Sloes, these bushes are very common around these parts.
The flowers, resplendent with large numbers of yellow-tipped stamens appear before the leaves open, so you get to see them in all their glory, unfettered by greenery.  By the number of unopened buds still adorning the branches, this promises to be another floriferous year - as was last year - If only the sun would shine a little, they might have the chance to open and enjoy it.  And so might we!

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