Friday 4 February 2011

Los Ancones

To the North-East of Costa Teguise, past the small village (now swallowed up by the resort) of El Mago, lies an area of seemingly waste land in the shadow of a small volcanic ash-cone called Montana Corona.  A three mile walk from our apartment in this direction took us up toward an even smaller hamlet of about a dozen houses which sit atop the cliffs of Los Ancones.  The black basaltic rocks looking even darker in the stormy skies above us on the day.
Looking back the way we had come, you can see the cone of Montana Corona in the far right of the next picture as well as the looming presence of a new Hotel complex known as the Hotel Beatriz.
By the time we had walked up the hill, the skies were beginning to look even more threatening, so we decided to make our way back before the heavens opened.  The darkening sky did however, provide some good cloudscapes.

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