Saturday 15 January 2011

Looking Back

It's often nice to look back at what we were doing on this day in years gone by and with the weather still grey, cloudy, windy and a bit miserable, I thought it would be good to look at a few 'sunny' pictures from the last two years.  Last year at this time (was it really a year ago?), we were staying at the Playa Azul Apartments in Benidorm and getting some wonderful views from our 13th floor balcony, especially at dusk.
We were treated to the sight of displaying Ravens, flying around the rocky outcrops of the coastline nearby.  They were calling to each other and flipping over in mid-air to lock claws before tumbling out of the sky together before recovering at the last minute and starting again.
It was around the same rocks where Malcolm spotted the glorious flowers of these Sawfly Orchids amid the stones.  They certainly added a bit of colour to the scene.
Two years ago on this very day, we found an Almond tree in blossom around the same bit of coastline and reminded us of the Spring to come back home.
These Friars' Cowl plants were to be seen all over the place and also provided a welcome bit of floral decoration to the Winter months.  It all seems so distant when you look out of the window at the grey skies here.

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