Saturday 29 January 2011

Finding Our Feet

As with any holiday, the first day or two are always spent finding your way around the area.  With some of these holiday resorts, it can be difficult even with the aid of a map, as new roads, streets and building developments seem to spring up at such a rate, that any map is immediately out of date as soon as it's printed.
In Costa Teguise however, we soon found our way about and headed, on our first day, down to the sea-front for a stroll along the prom.
As almost everywhere on the island, the black, volcanic rock is in evidence as gravel for footpaths, sand on the beaches, boulders strewn across the landscape and as building blocks.  The sea wall and look-out tower here are no exception.  Further along, someone had been busy creating strange pillars of loose stones, balanced precariously on top of one another in ever taller sculptural pinnacles.  They had a weird attractiveness to them as they were silhouetted against the sky.

Looking further along the coast in the direction of the capitol Arrecife, we could see a large cruise liner docked in the port (just visible in the picture above).  Zooming in closer, it was quite a ship.  The Aida Diva.
In the afternoon, having walked along the prom in the morning, we decided to explore inland a little and found ourselves walking uphill towards the ash-cone of Tahiche.  The road was good with a footpath along it and it all looked pretty new.  Thankfully there were very few cars on the road, so our walk was very enjoyable as it took us past the water-park and golf course - there always has to be a golf course!

1 comment:

  1. I love Costa Teguise, and you've really captured my favourite part, the look out tower!
