Friday 10 December 2010


This morning saw the temperature well above freezing for the first time in about a fortnight.  This has led to a fairly rapid thaw and in turn, even more treacherous walking conditions.  As Malcolm and I set out for town this morning, we had great difficulty remaining upright as a thin film of water covered the still ice-covered pavements.
As we have not had a country walk this morning and therefore have not taken any pictures, here are a few from previous, more snow-covered days.  First, a shot of our neighbours cat 'Oscar', heading home from his wanderings around the hedgerows.
More snow...
And yet more snow...

It looks as if there will not be any more snow for a while, so you have to make the most of it while it lasts.  Maybe some snow will hang around, as my Grandmother would have said, 'waiting for some more'.  Lets hope so!

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