Wednesday 1 December 2010


There is no other word for it.  As Malcolm and I set out for a quick walk into town this morning, the snowy scene which greeted us was simply magical.
Snow started to fall heavily again yesterday afternoon and by this morning, we had a good foot of it carpeting the garden, paths and road outside.  It has been a number of years since we have seen so much snow fall all at once.  Even last winter, one of the worst for many years, we didn't see this much snow laying.
With our boots and hats on, we started out - and what a scene as we looked through the trees along the footpath which runs around our estate.  Like a winter wonderland, it was almost breathtaking as the sun filtered through the branches.
The only danger was from snow dropping off the branches as the wind blew.  More than once it came plumping down on our heads and showered us with tiny diamonds, glittering in the sunlight.  It's difficult not to wax lyrical about such a wonderful scene as this.  It wouldn't have looked out of place on a Christmas card.
And it's still snowing!  Whoopee!!!!!

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