Tuesday 14 December 2010


Everything was grey this morning.  The sky was an even grey colour and rain threatened all the while we were out on our walk.  Most of the ice has now gone, but in places you still had to be very careful where the ice remained, waiting to up-end the unwary.
The Manor Floods were strange.  Ice still covers most of the surface, but a thin film of melt-water covered the ice giving it an odd, grey, misty look.
Heading home (still watching where we put our feet), we were watched by another grey thing.  This time, a Grey Squirrel was keeping it's beady eye on us as we passed.
I think the squirrel was hoping for some food from us, but I'm afraid it was disappointed.
On a more sombre note, all the Waxwings seem to have moved on now.  Not one was to be seen this morning.  It all goes to show how you just have to be in the right place at the right time.

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