Monday 6 December 2010

Even Colder

This morning, the thermometer was reading -10ºC again.  'Frosty' doesn't seem to be an adequate word any more, 'Arctic' seems more appropriate.  As Malcolm and I set out for our walk, it was still -8ºC.
But, how can you not be impressed with the beauty of the snow-scape and the blueness of the skies.
The cold was face-numbing this morning.  Before we had walked half a mile, we couldn't feel our lips and noses any more and even my fingers were cold - something I almost never seem to have a problem with, despite not wearing gloves.  Our shadows can be seen here...
As we approached the lakes of Manor Floods and Straw's Bridge, it was clear that the waterfowl were having a tough time of things as the available amount of free water was seriously diminished.
Ducks, Geese and Swans were all forced to huddle together in dense flocks on the only un-frozen water left.  even the normally belligerent Coots were having to put up with being close to their neighbours.  Things were no better at Straw's bridge as our shadows on the ice confirm.
Earth really is 'hard as iron' and the water is certainly 'like a stone'.  as we got home, I glanced at the thermometer again and it was still below -6ºC.  I think it's the coldest it has ever been at the end of our walk.  No wonder we couldn't feel our extremities.  Hot coffee required!

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