Thursday 28 October 2010

More Autumn Colour

A walk past Shipley Lake and through the woods which once formed the drive from Cotmanhay Lodge to the Old Hall, supplied us with some lovely Autumn colours.  Lots of Maple trees always ensure the best in golden hues.
It is a strange thought that the colours we see in Autumn, were there all the time.  They were just 'overwritten' by the green of the chlorophyll.  As the leaves lose this energy-producing, green pigment, the yellows, reds and all those other Autumn colours, begin to make themselves seen.
It's not just the Maples which show some attractive colours.  These Silver Birches are also showing the yellows and rusty-red hues among those leaves which are still hanging on to their green.
Next to show its true colours were the Oaks.  Once again yellow seems to be the dominant colour when the green has faded.
Lastly, a tree which showed a little less yellow and a bit more red in its make-up.  The leaves of these Cherry trees hung vertically from the branches like musical notes from a stave as the sun shone through them.

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