Monday 25 October 2010

La Stupenda

So, the world has lost one of the greatest voices ever heard.  Dame Joan Sutherland died on 10th October at the age of 83.  Anyone who knows me will know how I love opera and especially a well-executed coloratura soprano voice - Dame Joan had the the best voice by a very, very long way.  Just listen to her interpretation of that most dramatic (and vicious) of women, Princess Turandot in Puccini's opera.  Here, singing In Questa Reggia (In this palace) in which Turandot explains why she behaves in the way she does to her suitors.  Listen to the soaring, powerful and magnificent 'high C' at the end (in duet with Pavarotti).... If that doesn't grab you by the back of the neck, I don't know what would!  Click Here for a translation of the libretto if you don't know the story.  (Don't listen Malcolm!)

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