Friday 10 September 2010

Odds and Ends

A bit of a 'mish-mash' of things this morning. With our kitchen watching duties and the wet weather over the last week, we haven't been able to get out much. Yesterday however, the sun shone and we were able to grab a short walk around the lakes of Straw's Bridge. It was beautiful and bright yesterday afternoon and the views from the top of the bank which separates two of the lakes, was well worth waiting for...
Despite the sunshine and warm temperatures, we were surrounded by signs of the fast-approaching Autumn. No clearer sign can be had, than the reddening of the Maple leaves. A welcome addition to the colours of the countryside, but a sad reminder of the Summer's demise.
After the nice day, last evening saw a weather front coming in from the South-West which gave us a great deal of rain again during the night. But, the approaching weather gave us some wonderful cloudscapes as the sun went down. A colourful end to the day.

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