Monday 20 September 2010


Malcolm and I have just got back from a lovely lunch out with our good friend 'Winn'. We had popped round to take Winn' out to do some shopping, as we usually do on a Monday and were surprised by her invitation to join her for a carvery lunch. It was very kind of Winn and most unexpected.
So, no country walk this morning. Instead, a couple of pictures from the archive again. Firstly, a wonderful little creature, found going about it's slow business on our patio a few days ago. A Garden Snail (Helix aspersa).
 Native to all of Western Europe, North Africa, the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. It is more usually seen as a garden pest, but benefits from closer inspection. It is also an important part of the diet of several other animals. Thrushes are particularly fond of them as anyone who has ever seen a Song Thrush beating the living daylights out of a snail on the garden path, will confirm.
Sunny skies are at a premium at this time of year, but when you get them, they are all the more welcome. This picture was taken a few days ago as we walked around the old American Adventure Theme Park site.  In the distance (actually about 9 miles away) is the looming presence of the 2000 Megawatt power station at Ratcliffe-on-Soar.

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