Friday 17 September 2010

Eastbourne part 2

The seafront of Eastbourne is dominated by it's pier. Opened in 1870, it is 1000ft long and has a theatre at the end with a camera obscura on top.
Turning back to look at the land from along the pier, the white cliffs leading up to Beachy Head look inviting for a walk in the sunshine. We will have to return one day to have a good trudge around the cliff-tops.
Leaving Eastbourne behind, we struck out to make our way towards the Channel Tunnel. We stopped on the way to have a walk at Rye Harbour. Situated at the mouth of the River Rother, it sits at the western extreme of the Dungeness peninsula.
The area is a nature reserve and a marvelous spot for migrating birds, wildfowl and many species of wild flowers. The shingle is dotted with Sea Kale (Crambe maritima), an edible, seaside plant of the cabbage family, with a flavour similar to asparagus apparently.
It was windy walk from the harbour to the seafront, but it certainly 'blew the cobwebs away' before our long journey.

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