Thursday 30 September 2010


Following our enforced lethargy over the past few days, it was nice to get out and about once again this morning. The sun shone brightly as I opened my eyes first thing, but by the time we had eaten breakfast and got ready to go out, it was misty, damp and dull again. The sun was still there (I think) but was having great difficulty trying to punch through the mist and low cloud.
When it did manage to find a way through, it illuminated the turning leaves beautifully.
It seems that the colours aren't quite as spectacular this year as they have previously been. I wonder if it is because we seem to have lurched straight from Summer into winter, thereby not giving the leaves time to develop their bright reds and yellows before they start to fall and rot. The line of Poplars around the old Theme Park lake, are one exception, almost glowing in the sunshine.
A reminder - if we needed one - that Christmas is only a few weeks away, is to be found in this large Holly tree, laden with berries.
The various members of the Acer family of trees, always give good value at this time of year. As the Chlorophyll begins to break down in the leaves, the other colours which are always present, begin to take over and show their true beauty.
It will not be long before the branches are bare and we are once again looking forward to seeing the first, pale shoots of Spring. But, lets get Christmas out of the way first! Now,    "Dear Santa....."

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