Friday 3 September 2010

Berry Collage

Just one picture this morning, but a big one. A collage of some of the berry pictures I have taken around Shipley Park.
You will no doubt notice that I have duplicated a couple, but here they are, listed 1 - 20 as follows:
1 - Bittersweet
2 - Rowan
3 - Cotoneaster
4 - Pyracantha
5 - Blackberry
6 - Black Bryony
7 - Shrub Rose
8 - Lords-and-Ladies
9 - Pyracantha
10 - Dog Rose
11 - Fig
12 - Holly
13 - Blackthorn
14 - Snowberry
15 - Yew
16 - Spindle
17 - Guelder-rose
18 - Cotoneaster
19 - Hawthorn
20 - Guelder-rose
Quite a collection and there are many more...... But that's for another day!