Wednesday 18 August 2010

New track

Yesterday, Malcolm and I had a shorter walk through Shipley Park, and decided to take a walk across some previously, unexplored fields nearby.
The area, is bounded on one side by the Northern extent of our housing estate, by the Hospital grounds and the woodland which bounds the old entrance-drive to Shipley Hall.  Those woods are to be seen on the left in this picture, while the track of our walk can be seen crossing the field, in the middle.
As I have mentioned before, the area was very different in times gone by. Here, in the late 19th century, there was to be found a Brick-works, connected to the Woodside Colliery. The view in the following picture, (taken, looking in the opposite direction to the last picture) of Shipley Hill in the distance, beyond the fields and trees, would once have looked across railway tracks and canal wharfs, docks and locks.
The view today is far more picturesque, I'm sure you will agree.

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