Friday 27 August 2010


Two different 'links' this morning as Malcolm and I were glad to get out and about again after yesterday's enforced 'at home'. Having been to Tesco, we decided to take a short walk along Manner's Link, a local footpath which follows the old route of the railway lines - passenger and mineral.
The tall mast sticking up behind the trees in this picture, belongs to Ilkeston Police Station, built on the site of the Ilkeston North Railway Station.
Following the path towards what is now the Pewit Golf Course (the second of today's links), we passed through the trees which now line the way and hide the view of some new housing on the left.
Leaving the trees behind, the view opens out to take in the open aspect of Shipley Park, in the direction of Mapperley Village.
From there, the path skirts around Pewit Golf Course before emerging near the Manner's Flood and the ponds of Straw's Bridge. The golf course looks green and pleasant, but for wildlife, the neatly clipped grass is about as much use as a municipal car-park.

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