Tuesday 31 August 2010


A shorter walk this morning. Down to the Manor Floods, up through the golf course and into town. I went to the library while Malcolm did a little shopping, then it was a stroll back home past Victoria Park. The sun was shining beautifully, although the air was cool. Last night was the coldest yet this Autumn, with the temperature as low as 5.7C in our garden.
The hedgerows are showing more and more signs of drawing to a fruitful conclusion. Hawthorn is particularly resplendent with their bright red berries shining amongst the dark green leaves.
The fruit, or 'Haw' is not actually a berry at all. It is known as a 'Pome'. The best known examples of a Pome, are probably the Apple and Pear.
These Haws show the remnants of the five Sepals, which once surrounded the petals of the flower and are remarkably colourful in the morning sunshine.

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