Monday 23 August 2010


Malcolm and I had a short walk around the Straw's Bridge ponds this morning. We were not hopeful of getting a walk at all having seen the weather forecast, but it turned out to be rather pleasant. It was, however, rather 'boggy' under foot. The largest of the ponds is known as the Manor Floods. This, like many other parts around here, was once a scene of industrial and mining chaos with railway lines and an old mine shaft belonging to the long-defunct Rutland Colliery. The large building in the background, which is now part of the Manners Industrial estate, occupies the position of an old electric power station. By far the hardest work on this site these days, seems to be that of the Coots, still feeding young and constantly squabbling amongst themselves.
While we were here yesterday, we were enchanted by the sight of a small frog swimming for all he was worth against the 'tide' of water flowing into the lake from an overflow pipe...Bless him, he was even being watched by a small fish!
I have just uploaded a short slide show of some of my photos, taken around the area, set to the beautiful piece of music, 'Greenwaves' by Secret Garden. Hope you like it...

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