Friday 9 July 2010

Osbourne's Pond

Another beautiful day for a walk - although a bit on the hot side, so we set out towards Osbourne's Pond as the route takes you through the woods and a little shade. Here's our route today - a little over 4 and a half miles.
It was warm work as we walked up Shipley Hill, but the trees at the top afforded us some welcome shade and a slight breeze made it even better. Round the top of the hill towards the Derby Lodge, then down the other side of the hill to Osbourne's Pond.
The scene there was tranquility itself. A few ducks and swans dabbled about over the other side of the pond and a Common Tern circled around looking for a fish for it's lunch. Around the edges of the pond, Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) added to the colours of the scene.
From the vantage point of one corner of the pond, we took advantage of a shady seat before turning for home.


  1. Looks like a fantastic place. Will have to pop by next time I'm "up north"

  2. The countryside around here is wonderful Dr. David. Well worth a visit and good walk around.
