Sunday 27 June 2010

Flowers and Feathers

Whew! What a scorcher! It was very hot as Malcolm and I set off for our walk this morning. As a result of which, we didn't go far, but as we trotted through the glorious meadow of the local nature reserve known as Pewit Carr, the Orchids, Buttercups, vetches, brambles, thistles, grasses, etc, were all flowering their hearts out. among the Orchid species to be found are the Common Spotted Orchids (Dactylorhiza fuchsii).
Larger flowered and a little darker in colour, the Heath Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata) is a member of the same family.
Strange how the scent of something can bring back floods of memories, probably better than any other stimulus. This was demonstrated to me the day before yesterday as we walked along Slack Lane, on our way home. As I caught this particular scent, I was immediately transported back to my childhood and my father, making Elderflower Champagne - a 'lively' brew which caused much merriment even before it was drunk as it exploded from the bottles, blasting the corks almost into space. Happy days!
Also to be seen along the same pathways, were the Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea). A handsome plant which displays its 'landing lights' to interested insects, in the form of spots and brightly coloured patterns. These act as a guide for insects to find the nectar within and also to the pollen for fertilization.
Lastly for today, another moment of 'cuteness' from around the Mapperley reservoir. This tiny Moorhen chick (Gallinula chloropus) couldn't have been more than a few hours old as it wobbled around beside its mother begging for food. What a little sweetheart!

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