Sunday 30 May 2010


Nice to get out for a walk this morning after a couple of days without. But, my goodness it was windy! The Hawthorn blossom was being torn from the trees in such vats numbers, that it seemed like we were emerging from a church after a very posh wedding. We were almost knee-deep in petaled confetti as we walked along the Nutbrook Trail.
Approaching the lake known as the Beauty Spot, the sun shone on the water and the lily pads, and the wind tried to blow the leaves off the trees.
Young calves were laying around in the sun alongside their mothers, chewing the cud and looking vacantly into the distance, taking no notice of us as we passed.
More youngsters were to be seen on the lakes, this time it was the Coot families which were providing infinite entertainment as they clamoured for food from their fraught-looking parents.
It is good to see the blossom on the Hawthorn tree at the front of our house, has not been ripped from the stems and is still looking pink and lovely in it's double-flowered exquisiteness.

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