Saturday 22 May 2010


Busy this morning. The patio, which we painted a couple of years ago, with a tile-red floor paint, needed re-painting so we took advantage of the wonderfully warm weather and got the paint out before we went for our walk.
Then it was out into the countryside with sun-screen on as the sun is so strong at the moment. Down past the 'Bogwash' and I took the chance to grab a series of pictures to be stitched together to make this panorama.
In the distance towards the right hand side of the picture, behind the electricity post, you can make out Shipley Hill, where we often take our walks
Round the Bogwash and on toward Straws Bridge ponds to look at the ducks, swans and geese, then to see if the Great Reed Warbler was still singing from the reeds at the end. From the other end of the lake, it was quite clear that it was indeed still there, as it's voice is so loud. It seems such a shame that this poor creature has now been singing his heart out for a more than a week, to attract a mate and there is probably not another Great Reed Warbler in the whole country.
Back along the old Nutbrook canal and the lovely sight of a clump of Welsh Poppies (Meconopsis cambrica) glowing in the sunshine against the darkness of the water. Simple and gorgeous.

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