Monday 10 May 2010


Another cold, drab and nasty May day. Malcolm and I were not entirely certain we wanted to have a long walk this morning. But, as we headed further around Shipley Park we kept pushing on a bit further and ended up doing a good long walk up the hill to the Old Hall site. What a good job we did! The Bluebells are at their best and the Rhododendrons and Azaleas are opening their flowers in huge numbers as if to 'thumb their noses' at the bad weather.
The woodland floor is carpeted in a breathtaking display of blue.
Where the Bluebells spill out from under the trees into the open countryside, they start to see a little more light (although sunshine was in very short supply this morning) and, as a result, the colour glows all the more.
Much larger, but equally shaded in the woodland, are the Rhododendrons. Several different colours and species are to be found on the Old Hall site, some of which have not yet opened their flowers, but these have..
Pink seems to be the dominant colour at the moment. The red, purple and white varieties will be showing themselves soon, so we will have to pay another visit in the very near future.
For the time being, it was just fantastic to see such a bright display on this horrible day.

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