Friday 30 April 2010


With the prospects of heavy showers, Malcolm and I set out to tackle Tesco again this morning. So no country ramble for us today. We were very lucky with our timing as it started to rain just as we got home and were putting our groceries away. We're not usually that fortunate.
Just to make us all go aaahhh! here is a picture taken a few days ago as we walked around the Old Hall site on Shipley Hill. There are a few Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) about and this was a particularly sweet youngster.
The reproductive capabilities of Rabbits are well known and documented. The best example of this has to be from a small group of Rabbits which were introduced to Australia. 24 Animals were introduced in 1859 and in less than a century, they had increased to more than 600,000,000!

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