Saturday 10 April 2010


Malcolm and I had a lovely walk around Shipley Park this morning. The sun was shining, it was beautifully warm, the birds were singing and all was right with the world (hold on! I'm in danger of NOT sounding like the grumpy old git I really am!).
The blossoms are all now starting to open in the sunshine.
It seems that the trees are competing with each other to get their flowers open first and are in a hurry to catch up from the late start they have had this year.
Around the pond at Straw's Bridge, the swans, ducks and geese are oblivious to the blossom and only interested in the bread bags - as usual!
Back home and as Malcolm got lunch ready, I "pottered" in the garden and took some more pictures - here of the Hyacinths which are now in full bloom and filling the air with their heady scent.
Everything is getting back to normal with the computer too. It's now just a case of getting rid of all the programmes I don't need and downloading all the programmes I DO need. You forget just how much you make your computer your own, until it is put back to 'factory settings' and you lose everything and have to start from scratch again. Oh well, it's all coming together again now.

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