Saturday 3 April 2010


Last year, on this day, I was waxing lyrical about the delights of the Maple Tree flowers and those of the Andromeda - or Pieris - which were in full bloom. SEE HERE
This year, the trees are barely showing any green shoots at all and there is almost no sign of blossom. This morning, we counted no more than a handful of flowers on the Blackthorn bushes over the whole of our walk. What there do seem to be a lot more of this year however, are Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum) - these will, in time produce those wonderful, pale creamy-white spathes above glossy, green leaves.
The roots of these plants were once used as a source of starch in the days when collars and cuffs had to be stiffened before wearing.
Why there seem to be so many showing through the leaf-litter this year, I cannot think, but lets just be grateful they are and look forward to the show when the flowers appear.

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