Tuesday 23 March 2010

Bugs and Birds

Benidorm in the Spring is, like everywhere in Europe, full of bugs of various kinds. So, here are some we came across.
Firstly a diminutive little insect which we found on our last morning in Benidorm as we sat in the sunshine by the 'Castle' at the southern end of the Sierra Helada. A Black (and very shiny) Ant (I think Alloformica undet). Quite large as ants go, it looked as if it would pack a decent nip if you got too close. I just couldn't get over how shiny it was. If you look closely, you can even see my reflection in it's abdomen as I took it's picture!
The next insect has to be one of the most horrible-looking things. It is a Glow-Worm larvae (Lampyris noctiluca)and was toddling it's way across the path to the 'Castle'. They feed on snails, and I expect you don't need to look particularly good if you spend your life face down in a snails entrails!
A far more beautiful creature next. Again, spotted on our last morning in Benidorm, this insect was found huddled into a corner of our balcony. A large and rather gorgeous Silver-Striped Hawkmoth (Hippotion celerio) with a wingspan of about 4". The larvae of this moth feed on Bedstraws and Willowherbs.
A couple of birds to finish with. Firstly, when you walk around the old town of Benidorm, you cannot fail to notice all the white doves flying around - particularly around the Elche Park area, where many people feed them and they bathe in the ornamental fountains there.
Lastly, a very common little wild bird, the Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros). Flitting all over the place like sparrows they constantly flick their tails as if they are on a tight spring. A lovely little bird, this one was seen hopping around the scrubland up at the Cross on the hill overlooking the town.

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