Sunday 7 February 2010


Another exceedingly dull day. Optimistically, we set out for our walk around the 'American Adventure', ignoring the darkening skies. Of course, by the time we were half way around our walk, it started to spit with rain. Ten minutes later, it started to come down a bit harder and after another ten minutes, we were putting our hoods up and I was tucking my camera into my coat to keep it dry.
One, most welcome sight however, was the appearance of the first catkins on the Hazel trees (Corylus avellana).
Hazel nuts are supposed to impart wisdom and inspiration according to folklore and if the brothers Grimm are to be believed, Hazel branches are the best thing for warding off serpents and other 'creeping things'. So, good job we didn't come across too many 'creeping things' this morning, or I would have been tempted to try it out! Nice to see the first signs of the approaching Springtime.

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