Friday 5 February 2010

Still Wet

Another wet day. We woke this morning, wondering what to do as we didn't fancy walking around in the mud.
Malcolm had the idea that, as it was 'that time again', we should take a trip to Toton, near Nottingham and get my eyes tested at Tesco. So, off we went and while I was being scrutinised and having wind blown in my eyes, Malcolm took himself off round the store to do battle with the other customers.
I made up my mind a couple of years ago, never to set foot in Specsavers again after they made a 'mess' (polite wording to avoid shock!) of my eye test and the subsequent manufacture of the specs. Malcolm had a good experience of Tesco opticians, so that's good enough for me.
I opted for the two-pairs-for-one option with photochromic lenses in one pair, so it's now a waiting game until I get the call to tell me the glasses are ready. Fortunately, I haven't yet reached the point that Dame Hilda Bracket has got to in this short video.....

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