Wednesday 10 February 2010


Off to Tesco at Toton again this morning to pick up my new specs. We took the opportunity to do a little shopping while were there - it's almost impossible not to do some shopping! My new specs will take some getting used to as the right eye seems rather blurred and they make me feel as if I am about 8ft tall, but I'll persevere and see what happens.
So, no walks this morning (other than up and down the retail aisles of Tesco). Back home for coffee and to look out at the flakes of snow which are chasing each other around the garden, before settling on the ground.
The forecast for tomorrow is good, so we will hopefully get a longer walk then.
Here is a funny video to be going on with. I must thank my Aunt Mary in Portsmouth for introducing me to 'Simon's Cat'. I hadn't heard of the site since she mentioned it a few weeks ago, but it's well worth a look.. Anyone who has ever had a cat will recognise every aspect of these vignettes.

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