Friday 12 February 2010


Once again, this morning, we set out in optimistic mood for a wander down past the 'Bogwash' and on to Straw's Bridge. The sun was trying it's best to peek through the clouds and it was a couple of degrees milder than of late.
The birds seemed to have a notion that Spring was in the air. Th Chaffinches were singing their hearts out, the Goldfinches twittered in the treetops and Dunnocks piped their high-toned song in the sunshine.
Within half an hour, the clouds gathered and the rain started to fall. Suddenly the birds were quiet - as were we!
To continue on the Chaffinch theme, here is a video of one, with the song too.

The Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) is one of Britain's most common birds. The Latin name "coelebs" means 'bachelor' and reflects the fact that they tend to form single sex flocks and for some time it was thought that they were in fact separate species.

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