Monday 15 February 2010


A miserable day today. Dull and overcast, slight drizzle and still cold. No walk this morning, but a quick dash into Toton to take my new specs back to Tesco as I cannot see through the right-hand lens! Why can no-one get anything right any more?
Back home and it's time for cleaning again, so it's out with the vacuum cleaner and on with the mob-cap. Such a scene of domestic bliss!

Having been told I will have to return to Tesco again tomorrow at 12.20 pm for a re-test and needing some cheering up I thought it would be nice to have another video of bird song to lighten the day. None could lighten it more than the sounds made by the most amazing bird mimic in the world, the Superb Lyre Bird of Australasia. What a magnificent creature!

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