Wednesday 3 February 2010


Yesterday, having delivered Malcolm's mother and her friend to the airport for their holiday, we spent a rainy day visiting my mother in King's Lynn. After all that rain, we woke this morning to a very frosty scene. This meant we were able to take a longer walk around the country park as the otherwise muddy terrain was frozen solid. We were joined this morning by Kay - a friend of ours, who had seen us walking past her house on our way out and came along for the walk.
The frost was thick on the bare bushes, highlighting their outline and looking very severe.
Some of the plants which retain their leaves through the winter look beautiful as they too are edged with the frost and are made to stand out against the dark soil and dead, dry grasses.
The Blackberry bushes also have some leaves still clinging to the stems and the frost which clings to them is every bit a 'sharp' as the thorns which adorn them, making them appear all the more unwelcoming. Al a far cry from the warmth and sunshine of Benidorm!

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