Thursday 18 February 2010

All change

Very wet under foot, dull, damp and generally miserable today. So, instead of wading through the mud and puddles of Shipley Park, we took a quick traipse around town.

Looking at the garden when we returned home, I thought things needed a change, so decided to move our garden arch (over which we grow grape vines), a little nearer the patio. What a job! Digging down a few inches, the hole immediately filled with water, the mud was clinging to my shoes and I had a very critical audience - Oscar the cat from next door had popped over to see what all the fuss was about.

Half an hour later, I had moved the arch and the grape vines , filled in the holes and left the lawn looking rather like a First World War battle field. Time for a glass of wine and a bit of lunch.

With no country walk this morning and therefore no photos taken, some beautiful music to listen to instead. I have always loved Ralph Vaughan Williams and to my ear, the most wonderful of his works has to be Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis. Here, I've set the music to a few photos of Shipley Park (in sunnier times). I hope you enjoy it.

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