Saturday 20 February 2010


Malcolm and I, had a good walk back to Sam Bailey's garage late yesterday afternoon and were pleasantly surprised with the outcome of the MOT. So we breathed a sigh of relief and signed the Visa slip.
This morning was very cold and still frosty under foot as we set out for a walk around Shipley Hill to take another look at the blooming snowdrops.
Trying to dodge the weekend cyclists, joggers and horse-riders, it was nevertheless very pleasant in the sunshine and fresh air as we trudged up the hill and into the woods atop it.
It is nice to see that the delicate little flowers are beginning to show their full potential. It is nicer still to see that the Daffodils and Bluebells are also beginning to push through the leaf litter. But for the time being the Snowdrops have the stage to themselves - and there can be no more deserving star.

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