Sunday 31 January 2010

More Plants

A few more plant pictures today from our walks around Benidorm and the Sierra Gelada. The first was to be found growing on the cliffs of the Placa del Castell and is called White Henbane (Hyoscyamus albus). A highly poisonous plant as are all of the Henbane family, it has been used in antiquity as a psycho-stimulant in 'magic brews' to bring on hallucinations.
Secondly, a member of the pea family (there are so many of them). This one is called Rush-like Scorpion Vetch (Coronilla juncea) and is widely and commonly seen around the Mediterranean coasts. It makes a good show with it's golden flowers.
Thirdly, a plant well known to British gardeners as a summer bedding plant, but which grows in great abundance in the the Mediterranean area, Sweet Alison (Lobularia maritima). A diminutive member of the cabbage family, it almost carpets some places along the coast.
A new plant to me next and quite a little beauty. Small flowered and not easy to spot as it was growing among other plants, this is a blue-flowered Violet called Viola arborescens and is simply gorgeous close-up.
Lastly, a White Rock-rose (Helianthemum apenninum) which, again grows, seemingly everywhere around the dry, rocky slopes in these parts.

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