Friday 4 December 2009

Last of Portugal

I will end my series of Portugal pictures with a few more animals. I have already mentioned the rock pools and the abundance of life which can be seen in them at each low tide. One day, we saw large numbers of small fish caught in the pools. i have not yet been able to positively identify them however, but will 'stick with it' until I do!
A little more difficult to see in the next picture was a small Blenny trying to appear invisible next to an exotic-looking Murex shell.
Toddling along the shore and running at high speed into and out of the surf were numbers of Sanderlings (Calidris alba). Seemingly spending their whole life at the run, they seem to be expending more energy than they could ever get from the tiny specks of food they were managing to find.
Lastly, some rather cute animals which were to be found living around the apartments and spending all day asking for food. Mother cat and her kittens. Say Aaahh! if you like.

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