Wednesday 23 December 2009


It's the most wonderful time of the year, as the song goes, but you can always count on there being one or two mishaps or disasters along the way too.
Having brought mum safely from Norfolk to Derbyshire in dreadful weather conditions and icy roads on Sunday afternoon, we thought all was well. First thing Monday morning however, mum had a fall from the bottom step of Malcolm's mother's stairs and hurt her hip. Fearing a fracture or break, she was taken straight to The Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham for X-Rays and further investigations.
The X-Rays showed no breaks but, to be on the safe side, mum was kept in for observation, pain killers and a MRI scan. This scan also found no fracture - thankfully - so it is now just a matter of getting mum up and about walking with the aid of a zimmer frame until she is well enough to be released back into the community!
We'll see what happens next, when we visit this afternoon.
In the meantime, another carol from the choir of King's College, Cambridge. The Sussex Carol is a 17th Century work first published by Luke Wadding, an Irish bishop.
The name 'Sussex' comes from the fact that the tune was discovered and written down by Cecil Sharp and Ralph Vaughan Williams, who heard it being sung by one Mrs. Harriet Verrall of Monk's Gate, Sussex.

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