Monday 28 December 2009


With Christmas day but a memory and the prospects of New Year looming large on the horizon, it was good this morning to get a text message from my mother, who is still in the Queen's Medical Centre in Nottingham, to say that it looks as if she might be released to go home today. Having had a visit from one specialist, first thing, she is waiting for another to give her the 'once over' before she is allowed out. So, fingers crossed for later today.
The snow has now all gone and the ice has melted - the last of it disappeared yesterday - so it would be ideal if we could take mum back to Norfolk before the cold returns ready for the weekend.
On the subject of snow, this was the second good fall of snow this year. Remember the early part of the year when we had several inches of the white stuff?
I love it and get quite excited by the sight of the first snowfall of the year - I'm just a big kid at heart. The skeletal trees always look wonderful as they take on a covering.
I wonder how the Palm tree in our back garden likes the cold and snow! It doesn't seem to mind too much.
When the sun comes out and shines on the newly fallen snow, it looks very picturesque and there can be no finer sight for giving you the Christmas feeling.
Here's to the next few days and the prospect of some more snow.

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