Saturday 7 November 2009


The sun was shining again this morning we walked to Heanor for our breakfast, Accompanying us on our perambulations this morning, was our friend Jayne. The biggest problem today was the wet conditions under foot. We decided to cut across a grassy field, as we have done on numerous occasions in the past, only to discover that it was waterlogged and more than a little 'squelchy'.
Never mind, the walk was nice and the breakfast was delicious!
One of the biggest issues at this time of year concerns the sun. Although it's nice to see it of course, it is so low in the sky that it is permanently in your eyes making it impossible to see where you are going - dare I say, this can be something of an advantage when in of Heanor town centre!
The colours of Autumn are now fading fast so here is a collection of some of the best taken on previous walks around the area.

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