Friday 27 November 2009


about 4 miles to the west of where we were staying lies the town of Albufeira. I mentioned our previous visit to this town, before we left for our holiday so it was nice to take a walk along the coast to have another look at it.
Approaching the town, the visitor looks down upon it from the heights of the cliff line.
Taking another vantage point above the main tourist shopping street, the view hadn't changed much from the time before - but this time the Christmas decorations were in evidence.
Close by is the Parish Church of Albufeira. Built high overlooking the town, it's white-painted, classical in style and rather beautiful - and also decorated for Christmas.
After a relaxing sit down at a rather nice cafe and an equally nice cup of coffee, it was time to turn our steps back to Olhos d'Agua and the 4 mile trudge back, mainly up hill! Just time for another look back at the town before we leave.

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