Thursday 1 October 2009


Our walk to Heanor this morning took in some fine views. The sun was shining, the sky was dotted with fluffy, white clouds and it was warm and lovely. The idea of a cooked breakfast at the end of it only added to the enjoyment.
I often bang on about the fact that you don't get 'big skies' in Derbyshire, by which I mean that it seems in whichever direction you look, the horizon never seems to be more than about a mile away. Having been brought up in Norfolk, I was more used to seeing huge skies in all directions with the horizon seemingly about a thousand miles away!
This morning however, the sky looked about as 'big' as it could be around these parts.
From the walk back home, full of fried bread, baked beans, mushrooms, et al, the view from half-way up Shipley Hill, back towards Heanor was equally fine. The houses you can see in the middle distance, belong to the small village of Marlpool between Heanor and Shipley. (As always, click the picture to get a much bigger version).

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