Friday 30 October 2009


With Autumn drawing to it's close and the prospect of winter's low temperatures are gaining on us, it's nice to see that the wonderful colours of this season are still visible. This fine old Beech (Fagus sylvatica) tree on Shipley Hill, is resplendent in it's Autumn dress.
This tree must be well over 100 years old as it stands so tall and stately on the edge of the hill overlooking the Erewash Valley. If trees could talk, this one would have plenty of stories to tell of sights it had seen.
The mention of Winter, brings Christmas to mind. A thought which is exacerbated by the sight of a large Holly (Ilex aquifolium)tree in full fruit.
The berries, very popular as Christmas decorations in our homes, are a major source of food for many of our bird species after the first frosts of winter have softened them and made them more palatable. They are mildly toxic to humans and likely to cause vomiting and diarrhea if eaten.

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