Saturday 26 September 2009

Old and New.

Continuing in the Autumnal vein, here are some more pictures from around our environs displaying the rich colours to be seen at the moment. Firstly a young Sycamore tree - the Maples always give good value in their Autumn dress.
When seen against a bright, blue sky they colours seem to leap out of the picture at you.
Some of the best leaves have a red hue, but the yellow ones are every bit as cheerful, even at this - some would say - more sombre time of year.
I spoke of 'our environs' at the start. Lately however, it seems as though the closest part of this, namely our garden, has been usurped and claimed by another. There is a 'new kid on the block' keen to stamp his authority on what he obviously sees as his territory. When the usurper is as cute and playful as this little interloper, who can object?
Meet Oscar, our next-door neighbour's new kitten. Still too fast on his feet and too shy of the camera lens for me to get a sharp picture, but here's the best result so far.

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