Monday 27 July 2009


Having taken a walk to Tesco this morning, I feel I am in need of therapy to get over the trauma.
Being the first Monday of the Summer Holidays, there were bastard children (and I use the word in it's most literal sense) everywhere, with fat bitch mothers in skin-tight leggings filling their trolleys with crisps, lager, burgers and 'pop'. The look of disgust which was etched on my face was only matched by the loathing which rose within me at the sight of a particularly vile specimen of womanhood with four hideous children around her and another on the way - the result of having her even more vile partner home, briefly from prison about six months ago. God help us, we have another six weeks of this! I have rarely been more grateful to get home.
On a lighter note (and having got that lot off my chest), here are today's pictures. Firstly, one of the signs that Autumn is on it's way. The appearance of berries starting to bejewel the trees. In this case, Rowan or Mountain Ash (Sorbus aucuparia).
The berries can be eaten, but are generally far too bitter. They are therefore made into a distinctive tasting jam, often used to accompany game dishes. The trees grow at higher altitude than any other native European tree, up to 6,000ft or more in some places. In England, it was once used as an aid to counter the effects of witchcraft (I wonder if it is effective against children....)
Lastly, not a native of this country, but from the Southern Hemisphere. From New Zealand, Polynesia, The Falklands and South America, comes the group of plants called Hebe.
Named after 'Hebe', the Greek Goddess of Youth (more blasted kids!), they are widely used for their ornamental qualities in gardens all over the world. There are about 90 different species of Hebe and they range in size from tiny shrubs just a few inches high, to small trees of 20ft or more. They are all very easy to strike from cuttings - this one being taken from a cutting off our neighbour's plant!

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