Sunday 12 July 2009


A couple of familiar hedgerow plants today, though not usually seen in the wild, but more often in our gardens. The first is, perhaps, the archetypal hedgerow shrub, seen in many gardens and used as a boundary plant, Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium)
In this case a variety often called Japanese Privet which is more reliably evergreen. The flowers are not very often seen when grown in gardens as they tend to be clipped away to keep the shrub in check, but they are creamy white and very fragrant so it seems a shame to trim them off.
Next, another garden favourite and a quintessentially 'cottage' garden plant. The Honeysuckle (Lonicera periclymenum).
Also known as Woodbine - after it's habit of entwining itself around woodland trees and shrubs, not after the cigarette! Again, the flowers of this plant are well known for their fragrance. The fragrance is especially strong in the evenings and after dark when the flowers attract moths to pollinate them. Long-tongued bees take over the task during the daylight hours. The flowers are followed in the Autumn by red berries.

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